To venable (verb): To randomly muse upon this and that.

Family Time.

We, as a family seek to have our family worship time each evening, Monday to Friday after our evening meal. I have written about “Family Worship” here. Recently, we have introduced the following and so far found them beneficial.

  1. We have started using the New City Catechism (see here). This provides brief questions and answers, along with supporting scripture, to seek to establish us in the truth.
  2. Alongside this resource there are songs which reinforce the truth. These can be found here.
  3. We have used the Operation Word Book before and found it helpful, but it is somewhat unwieldy. We have now started using the online version which is here. This helps us educationally to find out about countries, but most importantly sets us to be praying for countries around the world.

So, thus far, I feel these resources have enhanced our family time and given us some direction in our family worship time.

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